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Tarot Office Hours: The Feast Of Fools: Saturnalia's and the spirit of Madness

Step into the wild and joyful world of "Revelry of the Fool," where we embrace the spirit of Saturnalia and the Tarot’s Fool in a night of chaotic celebration. In true Saturnalian fashion, we’ll explore how, during this time, the tables turn on social norms, celebrating freedom, spontaneity, and the unpredictability of life. Join us for a feast of folly, where the Fool guides us through laughter, revelry, and the liberating power of breaking from routine and convention. Expect a night of surprises, joy, and unrestrained playfulness!

This special event is free for Patreon subscribers. To become a member of our community, join here.

December 15

Babel Polyphony: on Tarot, Language and iconography, with Artisan Tarot

January 3

Year of the Hermit: A Gentle Guide to Spiritual Walkabouts